After my last several posts, most of you are probably waiting for baby news. He was born, he's perfect, & I'll post more soon. For now, though, I'm backtracking a few weeks to say Happy Birthday to me. You can sing & send me presents if you want because it was my 30th!
Jared helped the girls to make me a birthday cake. Miriam was adamant that I wanted a butterfly cake, and since Anya was helping it had to involve both chocolate and sprinkles. They made a chocolate brownie cake in our fabulous silicone cake mold (similar to this one: Hamilton Beach Professional Silicone Butterfly Cake Pan). The girls did the mixing, measuring, and taste testing.
After it was baked, Jared rolled out marzipan & covered the cake with it. Then he melted dark chocolate (my favorite) and covered the marzipan with that. Then he let the girls go crazy with the sprinkles and edible glitter. They also added sparkler candles (they were pretty impressive mini indoor fireworks actually), although luckily they didn't try to fit on a full 30 candles. To make the butterfly complete they even made little antenna with chocolate covered marzipan balls.
I loved watching them work on it together, and the end result was delicious. The girls were very proud of their birthday cake for me.
I had a really nice birthday enjoying good food and having fun with my family.
Keri! Happy birthday and congratulations on the baby! Such great news.